The Production


Ripe grapes are harvested by hand, destemmed, pressed and then often they are stored for further ripening either in traditional red wine fermentation in oak barrels or white wine in stainless steel tanks until optimum ripeness.

Experience – coupled with the latest technology – supports our production: Regular quality control is the guarantee for clean, pure and mature wine.
The riping of the wine in bottles continous after filling.

And then, the juice of the grapes will become to the wine you are looking forward to …


Tour and tasting

We are looking forward to take you through our vineyards and our winery.

Adjacent wine tasting in our homely cellar bar is possible at any time.





wine retail
Wals / Salzburg

Samstag, 6. Juli 2024
9.00 – 16.00 Uhr

Samstag, 1. Juni 2024
9.00 – 16.00 Uhr

In die Grean gehen 2024

20. April 2024, 14.00 Uhr         

Spaziergang durch die Weingärten mit Verkostung der Jungweine,                 g´schmackige Heurigenjause und eine Flasche Weinviertel DAC mit auf dem Heimweg.